Could Southampton's Creative Community use more space?

Posted by dani nugraha

This week, we visited the empty space above what was The Old Fat Cat pub, between us and the proposed new arts complex site.

We met with Cllr Simon Letts who is proposing using of the three storeys of old 'Tyrell and Green' offices for Southampton's creative community. Having looked at these three storeys of empty building right in the cultural quarter for four years and thought 'gosh, wouldn't those be great filled with artists and arty things!' we were thrilled to find somebody in the Council who was open to the idea.

We are looking for any interested stakeholders, potential users (both tenants and hirers), artists, creative businesses, organisations, community groups, charities, co-operatives and anyone else who would like to make this amazing project happen.

UPDATE - there is a meeting at The Art House on Thursday 17 January from 7.30pm, please look here for info.

There is no way we could use all of the space ourselves, nor would be want to. This would need to be a collaborative project involving a number of groups, organisations & businesses interested in using the space.

Please feel free to spread the word about this great chance for Southampton to create a cultural incubator right in the heart of our city.

We will shortly set a meeting date for mid January to talk about this in a group.  Anyone who has a genuine interest in being involved will be invited.

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