178 Above Bar St SO14 7DW Southampton
Andrew O'Neill (Is Easily Distracted)
Friday, November 8, 2013 from 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM
"So funny I put him on my new TV show." - Steve Coogan.
Andrew's combination of sci-fi twists on real life, long hair and impeccable manners have led him being revered on the London comedy circuit. Activist, misanthrope and transvestite waxes comical about the decline of British industry. His is a flamboyant show of odd, but smartly-written material, relentless in its assault. Imagine Harry Hill as a cross-dressing metalhead, and you’re somewhere close.
"One of the funniest comedians on the circuit at the moment...hitting new heights of comedic brilliance." - Timeout.
See more at http://www.andrewoneill.co.uk
We are super chuffed that the brilliant Grant Sharkey will be supporting!
Book below for Andrew O'Neill (Is Easily Distracted)
Friday, November 8, 2013 from 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM:
The Second One.
Saturday, 16 November 2013 from 19:30 to 22:30
'Above the Bar Comedy' is a not-for-profit stand-up comedy night run by volunteers who want one thing; to share their love of comedy.
This time around we have: Flange Krammer (the Alpine Ski sensation!), Thomas McElveen, Johnny Wardlow and Melisa Morman.
Book Below for Above (The) Bar Comedy Night: The Second One.
Saturday, 16 November 2013 from 19:30 to 22:30
Saturday, 16 November 2013 from 19:30 to 22:30
I say. Put the kettle on, the Professor is coming to tea! He'll brew you a nice hip hop number, stir in some comedy, then serve it with scones.

The itinerary looks something like this:
[4.30 'till 6pm - Approx. 1 hour workshop with Prof E in our gallery / performance space] Book seperately.
6.00 'till 7.00 - Tiffin
7.00 'till 7.45 - Some lovely electro swing in the cafe with Still/Moving DJs
7.45 'till 8.15 - Sweetchunks band
8.15 'till 8.30 - A nice cup of tea
8.30 'till 9.30 - Professor Elemental
9.30 'till 11.30 - Some lovely electro swing in the cafe with Still/Moving DJs to close
The evening will be embelleshed by the immovable Sweetchunks band. Formed in 1892 originally as a chorus of ballet dancing penguins, The Sweetchunks Band Experimented with early forms of funk (The traditional music of the isle of Man) and a form of puff pastry.

All members of the Sweetchunks Band can fire three rounds a minute in any weather.

And if that were not enough, earlier in the day, the professor will teach you the secrets of the emcee in a very special workshop (seperate booking for this, with very limited numbers.) With customary exuberance and his best trousers on, the Professor will teach you how to rap in an hour. Just an Hour. That's it. That really is pretty much all you need. Incredible. EXPLORE the roots of Hip Hop! DELIGHT in the whimsy of Steampunk! BARE WITNESS to the birth of the Chap Hop emcee within you!'
Well, thanks for dropping by. You look marvellous, by the way, and we love what you’ve done with your hair.
*Please note, in honour of the professor's visit, we will not be serving herbal tea.
Book Below for Professor Elemental
Saturday, 23 November 2013 from 19:30 to 23:30