Evenings have always been a great vibe here, something different from the daytime and totally unlike busy venues elsewhere.
With lots of sofas and corners to hide in, groups often head here late in the afternoon and just stay all evening, chatting, playing board games and drinking organic wine or trying one of our ales, ciders or the best gin and tonic in town.

With so many musician friends supporting us, The Art House often features a busker, or an impromptu jam session takes place.
We're pleased to have two floors, so you can choose between listening (or joining in) with music, or find a quiet place to talk - a rare thing indeed on a weekend night, we've found.
Head down and see for yourself soon!

Here's the Saturday night plans for the next few months, so far:-
Saturday 19 January - Colin's Box live in the first floor gallery, cafe open as usual.
Saturday 26 January - We're open, buskers welcome - please get in touch! Cafe & first floor open for chilling & chatting.
Saturday 2 February - Power Down returns with all the lights & amplification switched off! Cafe open as usual.
Saturday 9 February - Seed Swap will be set up on the first floor for the weekend, but the cafe will be open all evening and buskers are welcome - please get in touch
Saturday 16 February - Fundraising pub-style quiz for the Society of St James on the first floor, details soon! Cafe open as usual.
Saturday 23 February - Classic and Cult film night on the first floor (details tbc), cafe open as usual
Saturday 2 March - BiWessex, a bi-friendly social group on the first floor, all welcome, cafe open as usual

Saturday 9 March - The Shimmering Bees informal and unplugged in the cafe, first floor open too.
Saturday 16 and 23 March - Cafe and first floors open, buskers please get in touch.
Saturday 30 March - Classic and Cult film night (theme tbc) on the first floor, cafe open as usual.